Sunday, 8 April 2007

Helping To Relieve The Pain Of Hemorrhoids in Toddlers

Hemorrhoids are basically a type of varicose vein and any individual can get them. Even hemorrhoids in toddlers can happen and this can be a particularly painful experience for a young child. Symptoms for hemorrhoids in toddlers can include itching, burning, pain and bleeding. If a toddler has rectal bleeding you should always get it checked by a doctor even if you think it is a hemorrhoid since there can be other more serious medical conditions. Getting hemorrhoids is something no one wants. However, hemorrhoids in toddlers are especially bad since it can be difficult for the young child to deal with. Therefore, it is important to make sure your toddler follows a lifestyle that avoids the constipation issues which can lead to hemorrhoids in toddlers. Straining to move the bowels can lead to painful hemorrhoids for children.

Therefore, if you suspect they are constipated or they tell you they can’t go to the bathroom then you should talk to your doctor about an appropriate stool softener for your child. To avoid these issues there are some important preventative measures you should take. You should make sure the toddler drinks eight to ten glasses of water each day and eats a high fiber diet while getting regular exercise.

Dealing With Hemorrhoids In Toddlers

If your toddler ends up getting hemorrhoids then you will need to help them control the pain as much as possible. You should make sure you continue to use the preventative measure even after the toddler has hemorrhoids. However, there are some additional steps you can take to reduce the discomfort of hemorrhoids in toddlers. First you should make sure you keep their anal area as clean as possible. Rather than toilet paper perhaps consider used moist wipes or specifically medicated hemorrhoid pads to help sooth the discomfort of hemorrhoids in toddlers.

To make sure additional pressure is not placed on the hemorrhoids have your toddler lay down occasionally. Sitting and standing for long periods of time can cause an increase in pressure when builds in the veins and leads to a pain increase for the hemorrhoids. To cool off the rectum and easy bowel movements apply petroleum jelly to the toddlers’ rectum. To get immediate relief from the burning have your toddlers apply an ice pack on the affected area. If possible have your toddler sit in enough warm water to cover the hemorrhoids with a stiz bath. If a sitz bath that fits onto the toilet doesn’t work for you toddler then consider using the bathtub.

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