Sunday, 8 April 2007

Guide To Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids is the condition in which the veins around the rectum are stressed due to various circumstances such as, constipation and other problems with the bowel movement that derive from another pregnancy, old age and/or another medical condition. Here are a few guidelines on how to recognize the symptoms of hemorrhoids treat and prevent it when possible. There are two types of hemorrhoids, which are internal and external. Common internal hemorrhoids symptoms will present blood in the stool of a bright red color and the same may also be on the toilet paper when used. External hemorrhoids symptoms will manifest in swollen veins around the anus, which, due to rubbing or itching may turn into hard lumps of blood clots; itching is yet another common symptom, which can occur in both external and internal hemorrhoids due to mucus discharge.


In order to provide fast and efficient relief from hemorrhoids you need to consult your doctor as soon as you face one of more symptoms; only your doctor can determine your condition and prescribe one or more of the following treatments: warms baths on a daily basis and even sometimes a few times a day if required, in order to calm down the veins around the anus and provide relief fast; creams, ointments that need to be applied locally on the affected areas and suppository. Other treatments may require removal of the hemorrhoids in case of a chronic case through rubber band litigation, scletotherapy, infrared coagulation and hemorrhoidectomy.


Prevention is always better then cure and here are a few ways in which you too can prevent hemorrhoids: eating right will help you have a proper functioning digestive system such as, vegetable and fruits as well as extra fiber to your diet if you are aware that you have problems in that department. With age out metabolism tends to slow down and thus promotes constipation in the process; speak to your doctor to find out together what the best options for you, taking in consideration your age, present state of health and weight.

Hemorrhoids can be extremely painful and disrupting, not allowing you to sit, sleep or concentrate on any particular activity for long periods of time due to which reason you must try to prevent when possible and/or treat it as soon as possible when faced with the disease. Hemorrhoids are not fatal but they can promote other fatal diseases such as colorectal cancer therefore never take it lightly; immediately consult a doctor if you have the slightest doubt that you may be suffering from it.

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